Multiboot CD or DVD and USB Creator 

SARDU create a multiboot USB stick (or other removable) with Utilities, Antivirus, Windows PE and Windows XP, Vista, Seven and Eight Installers and all Windows Recovery Disks easily and in a few minutes without make partitions and without any knowledge of multi boot system. Advanced user can also import customized menus and customized folders and / or ISOs not directly supported.

This makes the SARDU multiboot creator as infinitely complete and customizable and best solution for technicians or for those who have to install Windows from USB or repair a PC, saving precious time. 

The only thing that you have to do is download the ISOs (with the integrated downloader) and press the button to start the creation of the USB multiboot (or other media)

Changelog SARDU
Added Localization in other languages for program files folder
Improved Extraction from windows Installer and PE
Improved counting of single section
Added option to Delete ISO_Extra
Fixed Error with installer of Windows Eight
Fixed error at start of SARDU without line
fixed others various errors

Changelog SARDU
Updated Redo Backup to 1.0.4 version
Updated Linux Tails to 1.0.4 version
Improved check updated for new versions of the image files
fixed others various errors

Changelog SARDU 2.0.6

Updated syslinux to 4.06
updated HDT to 5.0.2
Updated nimblex to last beta 2012
updated puppy
updated Open Diagnostic
updated YLMF to StartOS
fixed error with AVG
fixed error with PE >2 and Windows Installer
fixed error with not standard PPP
fixed error of Ubuntu with Backtrack
fixed Error with SRCD 3.x
Updated recognition USB 
Added function to Save and Load ISO selected
Added Updated for WDO
Added Linux Tails
Added Comodo Rescue Disk
Added Menu editable of installer of Windows (pressing the button of software)
Added ability to force use old GRUB 0.4.4
Added ability to change Temp Folder
Added ability to direct extract to the USB (deprecated)
fixed error with USB and install.wim > 4 gb
Now with check update SARDU download the updated list of ISO and write all changes
Rewrite the rules for installer of Windows
Added ability to the installers of Windows Eight and NTFS
fixed others various errors


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